Individual, Couples, Family, Adolescent, Play, Group, EMDR, Brainspotting, Virtual, and Sex Therapy; ESA Letters, Gender-affirming Care, LPC and Internship Supervision, and Anger Management Classes

Counseling Solutions has three locations in Springfield, Missouri. Please check out each associate's profile to find out where they are practicing.

We also offer virtual online therapy for any Missouri resident using a HIPAA-compliant platform.

More Counseling Solutions

Enterprise Office

Meet the counselors

Photo of Brian Vega


The following independent therapists share office space with Counseling Solutions of the Ozarks.




Provisionally Licensed Professional Counselors (PLPC)

A PLPC has graduated with their degree and must facilitate 3,000 hours of therapy under the supervision of a fully Licensed Professional Counselor to receive the LPC credential.

Rachel Smith


Photo of Jake Braden

MS, PLPC, EMDR Trained

Need a low sliding scale?

Counseling Solutions now offers therapy with counseling interns. These counseling interns are graduate level counseling students who are supervised by Missouri State University and by a licensed professional counselor in our office. They are able to offer therapy starting at $20 per session. Our interns this semester are:

Photo of Taylor Duke

Intern Counselor

Lyssa Bivens

Intern Counselor

Intern Counselor

Check out a group

A therapeutic group for learning, growing and connecting

A therapeutic group for adults grieving the loss of a person to suicide

A therapeutic group for grieving adults

Photo of plant leaf

A therapeutic group for women

Payment and Your Privacy

Our therapists are self-pay only. This means that payment is due at the time of service. A billable receipt can be provided that you can submit to your insurance for whatever reimbursement they provide for out-of-network mental health services. You would have to check with your provider as benefits are plan-specific.

Why is self-pay a better option for some people?

The ability to meet your individual needs.

Insurance companies require a diagnosis to reimburse for services. As a result, they require documentation to show that therapeutic work is being done in session to meet this goal. Many of our clients don't have a mental health diagnosis, and just need help with personal goals, building skills, relationships, or processing life challenges. Self-pay insures that the focus of your sessions is about your own goals and not ones that are dictated by insurance requirements.


Most insurance companies require that you select from a limited number of providers that are in their network. With self-pay, you choose your own service provider that is compatible to your needs and comfort level.


By choosing to pay privately for your services, you are electing to seek more confidentiality for you or your loved ones. When you self-pay, your private health information is never shared with anyone unless you request it or records are subpoenaed by a court of law. No one has to know you are receiving services. Some of our clients are worried about using insurance because they don't want to have a pre-existing condition on their health record; others are worried that getting help could be used against them in a divorce or custody settlement. Self-pay means that you and your therapist are the only ones that know you are in therapy.